
Garrett Landers
3 min readMay 21, 2021

Hey it’s Garrett, just here to give you an update of where I’ve been, what I’ve been up to lately, and the plan for the future.

Currently, I’m in my 3rd (4th by the time I’m posting this) year business student at the University of Calgary. I just finished up my winter semester and I’m super excited to get back to work. During this semester, I participated in 3 case competitions and got 1st place in one and 3rd place in another. A case competition is where a business problem is presented and teams are given a specific period of time to come up with a solution and present it in front of judges. I also got a new role as the VP of Membership for the Real Estate Student Association which fits perfectly with my investment goals.

(This is a picture of my team that got 1st place at the 2021 PropTech Discovery Competition — yes I know, I need a haircut and still haven’t gotten one)

For students just entering university, I would encourage you to get involved and make the most of it. There are events, clubs, workshops, and many other activities for students to participate in. I really enjoy case competitions and have gotten some incredible opportunities because of it. Bottom line, get involved and things will happen.

As for the Road to Real Estate Mogul journey, I’ve hit a roadblock. You need 2 years of taxable income to be qualified for a mortgage and I just filed my 1st year. I’ve found some very exciting properties and am currently trying to work out an alternative finance method (new episode of the Road to Real Estate Mogul coming soon!) But for now the next steps are to thrive in my new position the Real Estate Student Association next year and learn from as many industry professionals as I can.

As for the landscaping business, in the winter semester I got a bunch of messages and calls from clients asking for work and it hurt to have to turn them down. Last year, my brother was still home so he and my dad helped run the business but that’s the not case for this past year. I really feel an obligation, like it’s my duty to help my customers that have given me business, paid for my education, and have taught me so much but unfortunately, I wasn’t able to do that which frustrated me. The goals moving forward for my business are to find someone who can manage it when I’m busy in the school year and pay my employees enough money to avoid student debt. I have a couple people in mind and there are a lot of logistics to figure out like equipment costs and what not but it’s a challenge… and I like challenges :)

Anyway that’s all for me today, I’m home now and am hard at work so stay tuned for more posts and I’ll see you next time.

Originally published at https://www.hustle4education.com on May 21, 2021.

